Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Birthday Present.

For my twenty-second birthday I did something a bit outrageous: I bought myself a Kenner Blythe.

She's in wonderful condition but will need a little repair work on her bangs, nothing I can't do. I'm very excited to report that I now have a Blythe with every hair style, of every hair color, that was produced. So that's really exciting! I'll probably taking some comparison photos when I have time and when there's some good lighting.

I've ventured into buying a few of the Littlest Pet Shop Petites "Pet sitters" and I must say, I like them a lot. It's a tiny Blythe doll you can take with you anywhere. Personally, I couldn't care less about the pets they come with but the teeny converse shoes have won me over.

In Flickr/photo news, I've taken up the 52 Weeks of Blythe challenge. I know I'd fail at a 365 photo a day challenge but I think I can handle one photo a week. It's going to force me to be creative and make sure to take photos more often, which I'm so excited about. I miss taking photos!

Until next time,
(aka, Becca)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Blog.

Yes, it's the obligatory introduction post. Not the most fascinating but I'll try to keep it interesting!

So I've been tossing around the idea of making a doll, specifically Blythe, related blog for a while. I tried to make one on another blog site and I just ended up ditching it. I didn't use it and I didn't like the layout as much. So, with the new year, I've decided to start anew.

My name is Becca and I'm a rather avid doll collector. My great-grandmother, grandmother, and mother all have collected dolls, so it was pretty natural for me to start collecting dolls, too. I found Blythe 2007 and I was hooked. Previously, I had seen photos of these fantastic and big eyed dolls online but never knew their name. One day, I finally found out what they were called and before long, I had a French Trench Blythe from Ebay on her way to me. From then on, I've collected quite a few more Takaras and not have many Kenners, Petites, and Littlest Pet Shop Blythes, as well. I hope to get a Middie Blythe soon! So far, I have one doll of all the face molds except FBL and Middie. [You can guess what I'm going to be saving up for.]

So...yeah. I'm not as active on Flickr or the forums as I used to be [due to school and work], however I'm far from bored with this hobby!

Til next time,