Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Birthday Present.

For my twenty-second birthday I did something a bit outrageous: I bought myself a Kenner Blythe.

She's in wonderful condition but will need a little repair work on her bangs, nothing I can't do. I'm very excited to report that I now have a Blythe with every hair style, of every hair color, that was produced. So that's really exciting! I'll probably taking some comparison photos when I have time and when there's some good lighting.

I've ventured into buying a few of the Littlest Pet Shop Petites "Pet sitters" and I must say, I like them a lot. It's a tiny Blythe doll you can take with you anywhere. Personally, I couldn't care less about the pets they come with but the teeny converse shoes have won me over.

In Flickr/photo news, I've taken up the 52 Weeks of Blythe challenge. I know I'd fail at a 365 photo a day challenge but I think I can handle one photo a week. It's going to force me to be creative and make sure to take photos more often, which I'm so excited about. I miss taking photos!

Until next time,
(aka, Becca)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on treating yourself to the Holy Grail of Blythe, aka a 'Kenner'! What a fab birthday present, even one you bought yourself :) I hope with your recent decision to participate in this years 52 weeks project, we'll be seeing some of your photos here?
